Quick Fix: 3 Easy Tips to Find and Reset Fuel Cut Off Switch on Any Car
Engine cranks, but the car won't start. Does this sound familiar?

Engine cranks, but the car won't start. Sound familiar?
After passing over a pothole, speed bumper, or after a car accident, you could end up with an engine unable to start.
In most cases, you only need to push the reset button on the fuel cut off switch, which was activated by the impact.
It looks simple, right?
Well, not exactly.
In some occasions, you'll not be able to push the reset button, because the fuel pump shut off switch stuck in place. We will cover that problem later.
From my experience, the main problem is not how to reset fuel pump shut off switch, but how to find a hidden fuel pump shut off switch location.
That is why I have decided to share my experience and write this article.
So where is the fuel pump reset button located?
Read carefully, I'll get to that in a minute.
I will also explain how to find and reset fuel shut off switch on GMC, Ford, Peugeot, VW golf, Citroen, Vauxhall, Subaru, Renault, Dacia, Mazda, and many other cars that have electric fuel pump.
In this guide, you'll learn:
To start with, I'm going to explain what is the "fuel pump emergency shut off switch."
Let's dive right in.
What is Fuel Pump Emergency Cut Off Switch?
This device is analog to an electric fuse, but for fuel, not electricity.
Many vehicles come with fuel pump shut off switches. The inertia switch is a security measure implemented by car manufacturers to shut off the fuel supply in case of a car crash or accident where a vehicle comes to a sudden stop.
What is the Fuel Reset Button for?
Fuel reset button is instantly activated by an impact or crash, and once tripped it stops the gasoline supply to the combustion engine.
The reset button is usually marked in red or yellow color so that you can easily spot it and activate it with a gentle push of a button.
5 Important Steps Before Resetting the Fuel Cutoff Switch
Before pushing the "red button" of the fuel pump shut off switch, make sure to check if there might be some other problem preventing the engine to start.
How to tell if inertia switch is tripped?
In you are not sure if the problem is in tripped fuel inertia switch, here are the steps you need to take:
- Check if the battery is charged and working;
- Check if the fuel pump relay is in place and functional. Also, check its connector and wiring;
- Check the fuse for the fuel injector, fuse for electric fuel pump;
- Check for clogged fuel filter located in the fuel tank or the engine compartment;
- Check if there is a leak in the fuel supply, causing low fuel pressure through the fuel rail.
How to Reset Fuel Pump Shut Off Switch
Like an electrical circuit breaker in your home, you can reset it by pushing the button or pulling the lever down.
All modern fuel injection cars are equipped with an inertial fuel cut off switch that shuts off the power supply for the fuel pump if the vehicle is in a collision. Thus, it prevents fuel from being pumped in case of fuel line damage during an accident.
To start the engine after a car accident, you need to find the fuel cut off switch location (car inertia switch) and reset it.
I had a car accident with my 1.25 ccm Ford Fiesta 2006, and after a crash - the engine would not start. However, the ignition switch worked fine, and the engine was cranking. At first, I thought that some major motor damage or fuel system malfunction caused this.
Then I figured out that the fuel shut off switch might be tripped, but the problem was that I could not find it!
After some research on possible inertia switch locations, I narrowed down the number of potential locations. One of those places was behind the drawer/glove compartment on the passenger side (the right side of the vehicle on US/EU cars and the left hand on UK/AUS cars).
Steps to Locate and Reset Fuel Cut Off Switch on Ford Fiesta (For Other Cars Keep Reading)
So where is the fuel pump reset switch located?
- First, open the glove compartment
- Pull out the glove compartment by firmly pressing the left side toward an inner section
- Look for a device with a red button or yellow rubber cap
- Push the rubber cap button on the inertia switch
Emergency Fuel Shut Off Switch Location on Other Cars
On Ford, Chevy, GMC, Peugeot, VW, BMW, Mercedes, Citroen, Vauxhall, Subaru, Renault, Toyota, and Mazda, the fuel pump shut-off switch location is usually in one of the following hidden places:
- Behind or below glove compartment, sometimes hidden under the carpet;
- Under side-panel located next to the drivers' door;
- On the driver's side, between the footrest area and door, sometimes hidden under the carpet;
- On the right side of the luggage compartment, behind an access panel. The fuel pump shut off switch has a red reset button on top of it;
- Near the liftgate, behind an access panel in the right rear quarter trim panel. The fuel pump shutoff switch has a red reset button on top of it.
After finding the cut-off switch, you can easily reset it with one push of a button.
Sometimes, you'll not even be able to push the reset button because the fuel pump cut off switch stuck in place. In that case, try to loosen the stuck button by doing 20-30 gentle pushes, and then try to push it all the way down.
Note: Some people reported that their fuel pump shut off switch stuck after a car crash, and they needed to replace it with a new one. However, this is a very rare malfunction.
See also: What are the best car hidden compartment kits?
Now put the key in, switch on the ignition for 10 seconds, then switch off. Check beneath the vehicle and inspect the fuel line for any sign of leakage.
If everything OK, you can now start the engine. You might need to crank it up a few times before the motor starts.
And that's it. You've just saved at least $50 for the mechanic and $100 for a tow truck...
Frequently Asked Questions
How to diagnose if the fuel cut-off switch itself is faulty and needs replacement?
To diagnose a faulty fuel cut-off switch, look for symptoms like an engine that won't start or sudden stalling.
Are there specific models or car brands where the fuel cut-off switch reset process significantly differs?
The reset process can vary by model and brand, so consulting the vehicle's manual or manufacturer is crucial.
What are the potential risks or complications of incorrectly resetting the fuel cut-off switch?
Incorrectly resetting the switch might prevent the engine from starting or cause unexpected engine shutdowns.
Is there a fuel cut off switch on Tesla and other electric cars?
There is no fuel cut-off switch on electric cars, however, they do have a different type of switch that is preventing car to start in case of unusully high or low temperature or voltage of the battery.
Read also: How to fix the error code C0561 on GM cars.